Friday, November 22, 2013

3 places where facing sun is bad

1) asteroids coming from the sun's direction
2) northern force facing southern force in battle
3) batter & catcher facing a pitcher with sun behind a fastball

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Baseball pitchers face southwest most of the time

I went thru the trouble of counting: most mlb ballparks have the pitcher mound face the batter in the a) West & b) South

South Face: 19
North Face: 6
(remainder is mid)
+ in combo with >
West Face: 24
East Face: 0
Mid-Face: 6

Monday, November 4, 2013

Right-Handedness (adenda ao "eu preciso de um médico para isso um")

a maioria da população vive no hemisfério norte. É por isso que o mundo está sendo etnocêntrica, dizendo que o Pólo Norte fica na parte de cima (quando ele poderia muito facilmente, mas inverso - dualidade do universo)

Por isso, quando o dia 1 pop atende uma menor (90% destros).

Mas por que razão Right-Handed no hemisfério norte?

Raios de Sol vêm do sul. Há uma desvantagem da caça ou enfrentando um adversário contra o sol que esterilizam os precisa ser capaz de atirar mais longe uma rocha ou uma lança. Assim, pelo efeito Coriolis, se você atirar direito, a fiação da massa está do seu lado.

  • um chimpanzé arremessos de beisebol a 20km/h, os seres humanos a 60mph.
  • 66% dos chimpanzés preferem a sua mão direita em relação aos seres humanos: 90%

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Right-Handedness (supplemento a "ho bisogno di un medico per questo")

la maggior parte della popolazione vive nell'emisfero
settentrionale. Questa è la ragione per cui il mondo è
etnocentrico di dire che il Polo Nord è in posizione verticale
(quando e' molto semplice, ma la retromarcia - dualità

Così, quando 1 pop incontra uno minore (90% destrimani).

Ma PERCHÉ IL 90% Right-Handers per emisfero settentrionale?

I raggi del sole provenienti da sud. C'è un inconveniente di caccia o di fronte un avversario contro il sole così settentrionali devono essere in grado di lanciare più lontano un sasso o lancia. Pertanto, con effetto Coriolis, se vi si butta, la filatura della terra è al vostro fianco.

Argomenti correlati:
  • UNO scimpanzé getta a 20km/h, gli esseri umani a 60mph.
  • scimpanzé sono 66% destra rispetto all'uomo: 90%

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Right-Handedness (additif à " J'ai besoin d'un médecin pour cette seule")

La plupart de la population vit dans l'hémisphère Nord. C'est pourquoi le monde est ethno-centrique en disant que le pôle nord est debout (alors qu'il pourrait très facilement ainsi mais inverse - la dualité de l'univers)

Ainsi, lorsque 1 pop répond à une plus petite (90% droitier).

Mais pourquoi droitier pour Hémisphère Nord?

Rayons de soleil venues du sud. Il y a un désavantage de la chasse ou face à un adversaire contre le soleil, pour les résidants du nord ont besoin pour être en mesure de jeter plus loin un rocher ou une lance. Ainsi, par effet Coriolis, si vous jetez droit, le filage de la terre est de votre côté.

Liés :
  • Un chimpanzé jette à 20mph, les humains à 60 mph.
  • chimpanzés sont 66% droitier comparativement aux humains : 90%

Right-Handedness (adendum untuk "SAYA memerlukan dokter untuk ini salah satu")

Kebanyakan penduduk hidup di Hemisfera Utara. Itu sebabnya dunia adalah etno-sentris di mengatakan bahwa Kutub Utara adalah tegak lurus (saat ini dapat dengan mudah sebagai baik tetapi sebaliknya - keduaan alam semesta)

Jadi, ketika 1 pop bertemu satu yang lebih kecil (90 % kanan-handers).

Tetapi MENGAPA Right-Handed bagi Hemisfera Utara?

Sinar matahari datang dari selatan. Ada kekurangan berburu atau menghadapi lawan terhadap matahari sehingga northerners perlu untuk bisa lebih jauh untuk melemparkan batu atau tombak. Jadi, dengan Coriolis efek, jika anda membuang ke kanan, spinning bumi adalah pada sisi.

Terkait dengan:
  • SEBUAH simpanse melemparkan di 20 mil per jam, manusia di 60 mil per jam.
  • Simpanse adalah 66 persen tangan kanan dibandingkan dengan manusia: 90 %

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Right-Handedness (Nachtrag zu "Ich brauche einen Arzt für diese eine")

Die Mehrzahl der Bevölkerung lebt in der nördlichen Hemisphäre. Das ist der Grund, weshalb die Welt ist ethno-zentrisch zu sagen, dass der Nordpol ist gerade (wenn könnte es sehr leicht als auch aber rückwärts - Dualität des Universums)

Also, wenn 1 pop trifft auf eine kleinere (90% Rechts- als auch Linkshänder).

Aber warum Tastenrad Tilt-wheel für nördliche Hemisphäre?

Sonnenstrahlen kommen aus dem Süden. Es gibt einen Nachteil der Jagd oder mit einem Gegner gegen die Sonne so Nordlichter müssen in der Lage sein, werfen weiter einen Stein oder einen Spieß. Ja, von Coriolis Effekt, wenn man nach rechts, das Spinnen der Erde auf ihrer Seite ist.

Verwandte Themen:
  • ein Schimpanse wirft bei 20mph, Menschen bei 60km/h

  • Schimpansen sind 66% rechts- im Vergleich zu den Menschen: 90%

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Right-Handedness (adición de "necesito un médico para este uno")

La mayoría de la población vive en el Hemisferio Norte. Es por eso que el mundo es etnocéntrico en decir que el Polo Norte está en posición vertical (cuando se puede muy fácilmente, pero la inversa: dualidad del universo)

Por lo tanto, cuando 1 pop cumple con una de las más pequeñas (90% zurdos).

Pero, ¿POR QUÉ diestros del Hemisferio Norte?

Los rayos del Sol llegan desde el sur. No es una desventaja de la caza o de un oponente contra el sol para los norteños tienen que ser capaces de lanzar más lejos una roca o lanza. Por lo tanto, por efecto de Coriolis, si usted tira derecha, el giro de la tierra está de su lado.

Relacionado con:
  • Un chimpancé arroja a 20km/h, los seres humanos a 60km/h.

  • Los chimpancés son 66% diestros en comparación con los seres humanos: 90%

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Matching your pictures to products

should Amazon buy Pinterest to use image recognition to match pics to products from their inventory?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Bangalore is not far enough from New Delhi/Mumbai

if Pakistan can move nukes into the deep Ocean, should foreign companies consider outsourcing operations to Calcutta/Hyderabad from Bangalore?

1st time I've heard of Drone Submarines

Drone Submarines! Next thing we'll have drone patrol vehicles under google cars tech being auxillary police personnel. Yikes!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Case for Inflection Point of Nuke and Suburbs: Part 2

Productivity: it's been said that the aforementioned gave us wealth (cars, house, 40hr workweek).

The problem is that historically, US productivity has steadily gone up from the WWII, yet the hours worked and wages have *not corresponding followed.

If only going by productivity #'s, we should be working 20 hour workweeks by now? .. (given suburbs have spread out enough) ..but we're not.

Is it expectations? gone up... (the all goods & services should be better - yet workhours have gone up in the 1980's). And ppl keep saying generation X is the 1st generation that will live worse than the previous.

if the productivity gains are distributed inequitable, why was it more so in the 1950s?

Monday, August 12, 2013

Case for Inflection Point of Nukes and Suburbs

This is a counter-point to technological improvements to cars along to the "revolution" of the suburbs. There were cars before and after WWI, yet the progress was slow. What was new was the explosive power 1000x with nuclear fission in WWII. Not to be confused, suburbia would have happened naturally but it accelerated when our demise was a possibility. (think Star Trek: Genesis).

So, let me get this straight. You want to have a car, a house, and work 8 hours when before you were struggling for jobs, living in a tenement house, and working 10-12 hour days or 8 hours if lucky, hmm.. (some rich farmers out there - never have to work again..)

OT: a atomic blast is survivable. Look at this pic below. Notice how close they are to the mushroom. And given that some nukes are duds, the missile may fail to reach it's target or the bomber gets intercepted.

Link: Part 2

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Do we need supper?

sorry to ask this but do we need dinner? like breakfast gives us energy for the day and maybe lunch is if we get breakfast wrong?...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

al Qaeda vs the US timezone

Does US timezones help against al Qaeda; in the fury of 9/11, reports of of a Chicago hit on Sears Tower/John Hancock & SanFran Transamerica tower would be at 8 am or 6am in nearly empty office buildings. (vestiges of the cold war)

Monday, August 5, 2013

There's truth to the Madness of Max

The wiki says Australia was worried about "populate or perish" after WWII of a resurgent Japanese navy. I say that's secondary to a dominating Soviet nuke presence on the UK. Instead of rebuilding in a confined area, send some populace to the other side of the world: timezone advantage.

Think Mad Max.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Just Do It vs Let's Think it Over

Just do it or let's think about it? If it's easy, then "Just Climb It". If its about the meaning of life or origin of the universe, well there's no such thing as over think. In fact, they have entire professions: priests, philosophers, and astrophysicists.

I'm no fan of the waterfall model (overthinkers: rather I'm a balancer of the quick trial vs some foreword planning)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sql Plus, why are you not more fault tolerant

Fun fact: a lack of a space char in your tnsnames.ora file can make sqlplus (os x lion) not work.

1) works: TnsEntry = (description =(address = (protocol = tcp)(host =localhost)(port = 1521))(connect_data =(service_name = orcl)))

2) not: TnsEntry = (description =(address = (protocol = tcp)(host =localhost)(port = 1521))LF/CR(connect_data =(service_name = orcl)))

3) works: TnsEntry = (description =(address = (protocol = tcp)(host =localhost)(port = 1521))LF/CR/Space(connect_data =(service_name = orcl))

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pilots relied too much on computers these days

There's too much reliance on computers! Let there be cheap side-plane rides with pilots testing their mustard on hair-splitting landings on municipal airports. No to Ominipotence!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

There's less of a chance to get audited if u don't owe rather if u r owed $

we all need to file (to provide 2nd perspective to others), but I really believe u r less likely to be audited if u r owed $ (as evidenced by recent IRS biases).

Why would the IRS more actively hunt u down if it owes u $. It's less likely, if only to cross-reference the other big guys>>>

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Cluster Munitions get better

in the 60's & 70's, seems 1/3 of cluster munitions failed to explode; better 14% rate since then. Do they have nuclear cluster munitions?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Is the spanish word for redhead (pelirrojo) less prevalent than blonde (rubio)?

Is the spanish word for redhead (pelirrojo) less prevalent than blonde (rubio)?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Suburbs and the 8 hour Workday

Cold War Theory: suburbs. A 3D explosion is less stress in a 2D environment. 
All those 6 story walk-ups. Well, if u move all those families out, you still get 5/6 of them following Western leaders.

Cold War Theory: the U.S. has a timezone advantage to the Soviet Union. 4 to 2. 
That leaves only 5 hours a day where all workers are in the cities while for 7 hours the Soviets were exposed to annihilationCounting Western Europe, there's always a population that survives. Disadv: Warsaw Pact.

US timezone advantage and 8 hour workday: coincidence? Sure, they had laws in the depression but c'mon. Thank the unions but also thank the bomb.

"Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"

There was always a fight between the rich and poor. Because the threat of losing it all (risking potentially losing it all for a small upside by working them 10+ hours, they hedge their bets for some insurance. It was acceptable to be slightly less richer but have a lot more safety) So, there u go, the middle-class got a bit bigger.

OT: WWI soldiers came back and we never hear of the suburbs? so...

Link: Why Productivity doesn't explain post-war prosperity?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Reducing Hotel Room Germs

all hotel remotes should be touch-screen androids with IR ports. Easier to kill germs!

Monday, June 17, 2013

America is land of opportunity, not a guarantee

It may be good to have some friends that are slight qualifiers/realists. Otherwise, optimism might turn pessimistic.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why NBA superstars like LeBron get the benefit of the doubt (vs other sports)

hockey (forwards), fb(QB), baseball (1 in 9), b-ball (complete freedom spatial + no real set roles + no time restrictions)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Imagine if america was a dictatorship

you can let 1% of the ppl have all the nation's wealth
you can help rich friends get richer by cutting their taxes
and bailing them out when they gamble and lose

-The Dictator, aka Sacha Baron Cohen

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Shores of Troy

 Do you know what there's, waiting. beyond that beach. It's immortality, take it, it's yours!

- Achilles, aka Brad Pitt

Sunday, May 19, 2013

How does 30 million new Americans get Health Insurance

I thought Obamacare will tax the upper-middle class to paid for new doctors for the lower-middle class.

Then, I heard that actually the Affordable Heath Act will re-shift unnecessary Medicar(e) - Elderly - procedures and only require slight retraining of same # of doctors.

Which is it? or both?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Losing Contacts on a Phone is still Quite a Possibility

Given the four major ways to store contacts on a phone:

1) internal phone memory
2) SIM card/Micro-SIM
3) MicroSD Card
4) Cloud
     a) Phone manufacturer cloud
     b) if distributed device OS, then platform cloud (ie. Google cloud)
     c) Network cloud

&& possible different interpretations of the atomicity of a contact
1) email address stored in cloud (for user 1)
2) phone # store only in internal phone memory (for same user 1)
3) different views on contacts in cloud/device (ie. "All Contacts" vs "My Contacts")
4) different accounts in the same cloud

It's no wonder that contacts are still getting lost. :-}

6 key hitting points for a mobile phone

A good phone needs to do the below well to thrive:

1) watching videos (youtube - best in 4G)
2) taking pictures/videos (good camera, download later)
3) websites/apps (large screen)
4) messaging (large reception map)
5) information utility (any phone, just good design)
6) maps/directions

maybe more, but that's what I can think of (in terms of functions)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

5 paradigms of google glasses (in current implementation)

1) semi-active heads-up display - on basic funtions (hands free, ie. checking restaurants in nabe w.o looking down, etc)
2) active heads-up display (interactive with environment: maps, directions, mechanic fixing car, recording ..)
3) passive heads-up display (outside of context of immediate physical space: ie. working out while watching tv)
4) translator ("how do you say"? What did that German guy say?)
5) inverted meeting (instead of seeing each other's faces, you see what they see in real-time)

Friday, April 26, 2013

python: no user

One possible failure of downloading packages with node.js is "gyp ERR! stack Error: Command failed: python: no user {random number}" while executing "npm install -d".

If that happens, try

1) reinstall node.js first
2) put this into your .bash_profile:

The cause might be that the particular instance of Python is running from a protected space in the fs.

export PATH

Python seems to operate from 2 directories: /usr/bin 
and the aforementioned 
(I was able to download with the latter)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The case for maxing out IRA/401k limits while young

I never quite got my coworker's advice on maxing my 401k limits; but I think I get it now.

Max out now when u are young and steadily reduce til after u turn 50 because there's no more tax-free growth. (here's the rub; do you trust the gov't?)

Then again, you don't use all your retirement in the 1st year so even contributions at 60 grow while u don't use it.


Monday, April 22, 2013

I understand Autumn now

I think I get those people that like autumn more now. It may be common knowledge but I missed it.

In Spring, the air is still cold so standing in the shade is chilly. The sun is also stronger so going to the sunny side heats one up too fast.

In autumn, the air has already been warmed up by the summer's sun so standing in the shade is comfortable and the sun is less so standing in it doesn't overheat you.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

An update to 6 Keys to Happiness: a Narrower View

Now that I think about it: Life is the pursuit of the perfect balance of control and wonder shared with other people. Just 3 items.

I got that from combining some of the terms in a past post:

-optimism is simply control of mental facilities perceiving future growth
-purpose is again control of perception of future worth
-challenging work is the wonder of surprise (not knowing if you're succeed)
-fun is fun (the balance)
*and the crux is having friends in close relationships; sharing

**So, this is it: the pursuit of happiness!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Facebook Home and what it means to Apple & Google


is the experience of Fb Home that great; I doubt it; if so, does that mean iPhone users will have a less engrossing experience?

If the experience of Fb Home is really great; Apple needs to ramp up iOS or buy a social with all it's cash!

with Fb Home, Facebook effectively buys more time to take search away from Goog; android hijacking is secondary  

to counter Fb Home, google needs to ramp up their project glasses game so it can be in the same revenue realm as Apple. (money thru devices over search ad market)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Potential Nielson in each Google Glass

Existing models of Project Glass only have outward-facing cameras, but what if future models compliment that with an inward facing cam (eye tracking). That makes every potential google glasses user a nielson rater's dream (by choice of course).

Will to Win: a second Turing Test?

Ultimate Turing test: Google NASCAR vs human counterpart: a test of the practicality of programming not just* patterns of winning driving, but the will to win!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

#'s vary, but i think it ranges around 20% work for the gov't

Though it seems preliminarily,

 conflicts with

This is the story-ized version:

Monday, March 4, 2013

6 Keys to Happiness

in no particular order,

1) control
2) optimism
3) close relationships
4) purpose
5) fun
6) challenging work

I think that's all there is to it. If you achieve these, u will be happy.

OT: sex, fame, and money doesn't last too long.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Actionable items for Groupon

Groupon has 3 choices: 1) have fb buy them 2) buy FourSquare (social) 3) buy Yelp (search)

It's not even what Groupon can do, it has to hope FB does search right so Goog will back off on offers, so margins are better. 

Maybe this is why Git Rebase is so confusing?

The Basic Rebase section: way too verbose and separately confusing. 

Why can't they just say, instead of creating a separate commit with the msg "Merge branch [x] with branch [y]", it simply RE-uses/shifts the commit of the branch point on the checked out branch to the head of the other branch? (I reduced several paragraphs into 1 line)

this one has a better rebase description:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Key points for a Icelandic trip

1) Have whale
2) Have icelandic horse (#2 on food list)
3) The Northern lights is very temperamental (1 guy tried 7 times - clouds). If it happens, it happens.
4) Reykjavik is a very small city. If your hotel is 1.1 miles away, it's in the suburbs!
5) Don't plan a whole day on the blue lagoon. It's on the way to the airport (15 mins away).
6) Reykjavik cab fare is $120 (45 mins away from airport)

Monday, February 4, 2013

please use 'ps -A'

instead of 'ps -e'. The 'e' is ambiguous even though it sounds like 'environment', it's not always. Use 'A' for "ALL".