Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Suburbs and the 8 hour Workday

Cold War Theory: suburbs. A 3D explosion is less stress in a 2D environment. 
All those 6 story walk-ups. Well, if u move all those families out, you still get 5/6 of them following Western leaders.

Cold War Theory: the U.S. has a timezone advantage to the Soviet Union. 4 to 2. 
That leaves only 5 hours a day where all workers are in the cities while for 7 hours the Soviets were exposed to annihilationCounting Western Europe, there's always a population that survives. Disadv: Warsaw Pact.

US timezone advantage and 8 hour workday: coincidence? Sure, they had laws in the depression but c'mon. Thank the unions but also thank the bomb.

"Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"

There was always a fight between the rich and poor. Because the threat of losing it all (risking potentially losing it all for a small upside by working them 10+ hours, they hedge their bets for some insurance. It was acceptable to be slightly less richer but have a lot more safety) So, there u go, the middle-class got a bit bigger.

OT: WWI soldiers came back and we never hear of the suburbs? so...

Link: Why Productivity doesn't explain post-war prosperity?

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